IPP Dec 2000

From the Immediate Past President

December 2000

Source: CLTA Newsletter 24.3. December 2000, pp. 4-5.

First, I would like to thank Professor He Baozhang (Harvard University) and his Program Committee for their effort and excellence in organizing a highly successful annual conference held in Boston this November. The program was very rich and well-balanced in its representation of topics and instructional levels. 2000 has been a productive year for the Association. Looking back, there are five clear highlights for CLTA:

1) We launched and successfully completed a survey project on articulation between college and pre-college Chinese instruction. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the 124 instructors from all instructional levels (including those of community school, K-12, and college/university) for taking time out of your extremely busy schedule to respond to the survey. Findings of this project, reported at our annual conference, have led to specific recommendations in the areas of standards, as-sessment, teacher training, regional articulation efforts, and www-based programming learning systems. A full report of the CLTA 2000 articulation project will soon be posted at the CLTA web site and a con-densed version of the report will be submitted in early spring of 2001 to JCLTA for consideration for pub-lication.

2) The 2000 CLTA Walton Award for lifetime achievement in Chinese language education was presented to Professor Madeline Chu (Kalamazoo College). Professor Chu, please accept our warmest congratulations and our deepest appreciation for your outstanding contributions to our profession. We look forward to your continued contributions in the decades to come.

3) As most of you are probably aware, Professor Madeline Chu has recently resigned as the Executive Director of CLTA after eight years of excellent service at the CLTA Headquarters. The Board of Directors has subsequently appointed Professor Cynthia Ning (University of Hawaii) to serve as the new Executive Director. Professor Ning has served as CLTA Program Chair and CLTA President in re-cent years. The Association is indeed fortunate to have Professor Ning, who has a proven record of lead-ership and organizational skills, at the helm of its Headquarters.

4) In 2000, headed by Professor Claudia Ross, the Board of Directors discussed and drafted a proposal for revisions to the CLTA Bylaws on the following issues: the dates of the fiscal year, represen-tation by members of other organizations at the CLTA annual Board meeting, the establishment of a fi-nance committee, the addition of Secretary of the Board of Directors annual meeting, and the designation of the CLTA Web Master as an appointed official to the Board of Directors. This Bylaws amendment proposal will be sent to the membership by mail in the spring of 2001. A majority of a quorum of the mem-bership is required for passage. As Bylaws revision is of vital importance to the growth of our Association, I urge you to pay attention to it.

5) In 2000, in an effort to strengthen connections with the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Professor Jane Parish Yang, on behalf of the CLTA, successfully organized a panel titled “Acquiring Competence: Chinese Language Study in the Asian Studies Curriculum.” This panel has been accepted for the March 22-25, 2001 AAS meeting in Chicago. Chaired by Professor Yang and made up of faculty from various disciplines in Chinese studies, will explore recent changes in the field and discuss how to in-tegrate area studies into our Chinese studies curriculum. If you plan to attend the 2001 AAS meeting in Chicago, we invite you to join us in this important panel discussion.

I now have two important announcements to make:

1) Cheng & Tsui Fellowship for Teacher Training. At our membership meeting in Boston, Cheng & Tsui Company has announced its establishment of an annual Cheng & Tsui Fellowship. This Fellowship, carrying the amount of $1,000 in total annually, will be divided among at least two teachers for teacher training. Award criteria and selection procedures will be developed by the CLTA Board of Directors; further information will be forthcoming. Teacher training is indeed one of the top priorities for our field. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Jill Cheng for the establishment of this fellowship and for her contributions to our field.

2) Temporary suspension of CLASS/CLTA joined membership. CLASS recently informed CLTA that due to the current restructuring in the CLASS’ leadership structure and logistics, CLASS would like to suspend the CLASS/CLTA joint membership for one year, during which membership dues for each organizations should be submitted separately.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. The Association is now under the exceptionally able leadership of President Marjorie Chan (Ohio State University), Vice President Claudia Ross (College of the Holy Cross), Program Chair Zhang Zhengsheng (San Diego State University), Nominations Chair Martha Wang Gallagher (United State Military Academy), as well as Executive Director Cynthia Ning (University of Hawaii), Journal Editor Teng Shou-shin (National Taiwan Normal University), and News-letter Editor Ted Yao (University of Hawaii).

With thanks to every one of you for your contributions to the field, and all good wishes,

Ke Chuanren
November 22, 2000

P Dec 1998

From the President

December 1998

Source: CLTA Newsletter 22.3. December 1998.

Organizations are driven by their members. Just as classrooms are becoming student-centered, organizations must move towards becoming more member-centered. Paralleling the role of the “teacher as facilitator” in the classroom, the officers and directors of CLTA can possibly serve best as facilitators for the membership. Fortunately, in this era that has seen the meteoric rise of the Internet, each member of this organization, no matter how isolated or overworked s/he is professionally, has the opportunity to uplink to the rest of the organization via just a few keystrokes. Let us know what your interests and concerns are. You can reach me at , or the entire board of CLTA at .

To date, CLTA’s major permanent initiatives include:

* The annual conference, held in November in conjunction with that of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). The successes and shortcomings of this event are the subject of unending debate (watch for a summary in forthcoming issues of the Newsletter), but indisputably the conference is one of the organization’s most stimulating efforts, with 24 panels presented over 2.5 days. Thanks are due the outgoing Program Chair, Julian Wheatley, and President, Scott McGinnis, fortheir exertions on behalf of the profession, and to our hard-working Executive Director, Madeline Chu, for ensuring that most of the things that could have gone wrong actually didn’t.

* The publication of the Journal (JCLTA). Fortunately for the organization, Prof. Shou-hsin Teng has accepted another term as editor extraordinare. A number of suggestions have been made on possible improvements in the journal; more are always welcome. Again, please watch for progress reports in future issues of the Newsletter.

* The Newsletter. Prof. Tao-chung (Ted) Yao has also agreed to continue as editor upon the expiration of his term this year, which is another stroke of good fortune for CLTA. Ongoing discussions include the possibility of putting the Newsletter online.

* The CLTA Website. Prof. Marjorie Chan and her webteam have taken the website to unexpected heights. Initiated less than a year ago in January, 1998, the website now has 47 webpages updated monthly, has hosted nearly 3,000 visitors to date, and logged an average of 43 hits per day from mid-September through mid-October. If you haven’t browsed the site yet, you are encouraged to do so at .

* The Walton Award and Travel Fund. Thanks to the hard work of Scott McGinnis, Madeline Chu, and the generosity of 47 of our colleagues, the Walton Fund total stood at $2,897 as of October 31, 1998. This year’s Walton Award to Prof. John DeFrancis and Travel Fund award to University of Illinois graduate student Miao-fen Tseng were a landmark achievement for the organization. Our challenge is to ensure that the fund continues to grow, so that we can recognize and serve the most deserving members of our community as we ought. If you can, please contribute and encourage others to contribute to this nascent and exciting fund!

There are other projects ongoing that have not yet achieved the “permanent” status–the Leadership Seminar and the CLTA Monograph Series among them. Work on these projects proceeds apace. Finally, I would like to begin documenting CLTA’s history and procedural processes during my term of office. If anyone has documents, or other information to contribute, please contact me, preferably by e-mail. I look forward to a productive and fulfilling year with you all!

Cynthia Ning

P March 1999

From the President

March 1999

Source: CLTA Newsletter 23.1. March 1999.

The term of a CLTA officer runs from the end of the General Meeting one year to the next. It has been three months since Scott McGinnis handed me this office in Chicago; I am enjoying the privilege and challenge, but nonetheless look forward to Friday, November 19, when I pass it on to KE Chuanren in Atlanta, I hope having approached the standards set by my eminent predecessors.

Your Board of Directors/Officers include many inspired and hardworking professionals. Here are some of their accomplishments these past three months.

* The 1998 Membership Directory was completed and mailed in late January to all paid CLTA members. Thank you, Madeline Chu (CLTA Executive Director).

* The Board and Officers (working via e-mail) have approved a new CLTA dues schedule, effective January 1, 2000. This schedule follows the model of the Association of Asian Studies, and is intended to encourage participation by students and international members.

The following compares the old and new schedules:

Current schedule (effective through December, 1999)

Regular $50.00
Student $40.00

Regular $70.00
Student $60.00

New schedule (beginning January 1, 2000). Note that there will be NO DIFFERENCE between domestic and international rates.

================= ======
$20,000 or Under $25
$21,000 - $30,000 $35
$31,000 - $45,000 $50
$46,000 - $60,000 $60
$61,000 - $75,000 $70
$76,000 or Over $80

*If dues are received by February 1. Thereafter, please add $5.

* Congratulations to Tao-chung (Ted) Yao, CLTA Newsletter Editor, who has successfully installed the Newsletter online. Future issues will appear on the Web shortly after hardcopies are delivered via the mail.

* The CLTA website is growing exponentially thanks to Webmaster Marjorie Chan and the other members of the web-team, who have linked our site to an impressive array of other related sites. Check it out, and prepare to linger a while after you log on!

* Xie Tianwei, Chair of the 1999 Annual Meeting, is hard at work with his committee, evaluating and organizing papers and panels. Audrey Li, Nominations Committee Chair, is working with others to prepare an impressive slate of candidates.

Happy Year of the Rabbit to everyone! Please contact me at cyndy@hawaii.edu if you’d like to discuss anything at all.

Cyndy Ning

P Sept 1999

From the President

September 1999

Source: CLTA Newsletter 23.2. September 1999.

Greetings GEWEI from your sadly harassed end-of-the-millenium president. In this issue of the newsletter you will find the results of a hotly contested election, with news of the next crop of dedicated individuals who will lead the association forwards, into the dawn of the new millenium. Congratulations to the new officers, the elections committee and the association, for the impressive new slate.

You also have a message from past-president Scott McGinnis, who is leaving academia to become the equivalent of a full-time strategist for the Chinese language teaching profession. I am confident that, with Scott’s input, the next few years will be dynamic ones for our field.

I have taken as my major charge for CLTA the production of an officer’s handbook, so that procedural knowhow and institutional records of the association can be readily accessible in writing. The handbook will be presented to the Board of Directors at the November meeting in Dallas, and will, I hope, help guide directors and officers in the future. Given the convenience of editing on computer, I also expect that the handbook will be updated and expanded regularly.

To date, the handbook includes information on the following:

* Board Meetings (frequency and location of board meetings)
* Board Members & Officers (listing of names of all board members and officers since 1991)
* Budget & Finance (Annual budgets & financial statements since 1993)
* By-laws (current)
* Dues (immediate past and current dues structures)
* Minutes of Board Meetings (complete minutes of annual meetings since 1993)
* Monograph Guidelines (draft, as proposed by the 1998-9 monograph committee)
* Newsletter (article submission information; names of current and two most recent editors)
* Nominating Committee Procedures (as proposed by current nominating committee chair)
* Program Committee Procedures (as proposed by current program committee chair)
* Walton Fund (as described by current fund curator)
* Website (as described by current webmaster)

I thank executive director Madeline Chu, past-president Scott McGinnis, committee chairs and other members of the board for their input. To submit additional information for the manual, or to request a draft copy for review, please contact me at cyndy@hawaii.edu.

Best wishes for a productive fall semester.

Cyndy Ning

IPP Dec 1999

From the Immediate Past President

December 1999

Source: CLTA Newsletter 23.3. December 1999.

1999 has been a momentous year for the Association. The work of the Leadership Seminar team, under our resourceful Executive Director Madeline Chu, has culminated in the publication of the Association’s third monograph, Mapping the Course of the Chinese Language Field, which includes articles by many members of our past and present Board of Directors. Since you can obtain a free copy of it if you renew your membership before February 1, 2000, I urge you to do so right away; you might even take this opportunity to convince a colleague who is not currently a CLTA member that now is the right time to join. ACTFL (The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) estimates that only about 20% of language teachers nationally are members of ANY professional language teaching organization. It would be wonderful to best those statistics in Chinese.

In 1999 CLTA and CLASS held a summit meeting under the auspices of the National Foreign Language Center in Washington, D.C., and developed a set of priorities for the field. These priorities turn out to be rather similar to the ones developed by ACTFL’s “New Visions” project, which were promulgated at the November convention in Dallas. Another year of input and fine-tuning ACTFL’s priorities will we hope lead to an action agenda — the next meeting on the “New Visions” priorities is scheduled for June, 2000.

With China’s imminent entry into the WTO, Chinese is poised to become a Very Important Language in this country. Keeping in mind further that the US Department of Education’s International Education budget is expected to triple next year, we as Chinese language professionals would do well to become familiar with both Chinese and field-wide priorities, to be in the most favorable position to take advantage of funding opportunities as these become available, to advance the field overall.

In 1999, CLTA designated the Walton Award for lifetime achievement in Chinese language education to Professor Shou-hsin Teng, Director of the Institute of Chinese as a Second Language of National Taiwan Normal University. The koa (Hawaiian hardwood) plaque which was presented to him at the General Meeting in Dallas was, Prof. Teng protests, totally unexpected, but, we assert, totally deserved. Congratulations, Teng Laoshi, and thank you for your outstanding contributions to our profession. We look forward to decades more of the same!

The 1999 Walton Travel Fund award was given to Ms. Yi LIN of the University of Iowa, for her fine paper and presentation titled, “Vocabulary Acquisition in CFL Learning.” We look forward to seeing her work as an article in a future issue of the JCLTA. Congratulations, Ms. Lin, for your achievement; please accept the best wishes of the Association for the remainder of your program at the University of Iowa, and for the launch of your professional career thereafter.

Finally, CLTA handled some housekeeping details in 1999. Please click here to see the guidelines for the CLTA monograph series that were approved by the Board at the November meeting. And please continue sending me information you may have about the history of our Association. I shall serve as our informal archivist until further notice.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. The Association enters 2000 under the excellent leadership of Profs. Chuanren Ke (president), Marjorie Chan (vice president), Baozhang He (program chair), Xiaohong Wen (nominations chair), and the benevolent guidance of our appointed officials.

The best of the season and a bright and fulfilling Year 2000 to all!

Cynthia Ning, Associate Director
University of Hawai’i Center for Chinese Studies
Moore Hall 416
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: 956-2692, Fax: 956-2682

P Dec 1997

From the President

December 1997

Source: CLTA Newsletter 21.3. December 1997.

In the closing weeks of the Year of the Rat (and 1997), we have already begun a new year for CLTA. The one just completed, with its culmination at the annual meeting in Nashville, has been yet another one of steady growth and new challenges.

We all owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Immediate Past President T. Richard Chi and our outgoing members of the Board of Directors, as well as to this past year’s Program Chair Ke Chuanren and Nominations Chair Jennifer Liu, for their efforts and excellence. And as always, the dedicated expertise of Executive Director Madeline Chu, JOURNAL editor Teng Shou-hsin, and NEWSLETTER editor Ted Yao has ensured that our organization is continually involved, enhanced and informed in matters involving language pedagogy in general and Chinese pedagogy in particular.

For the year ahead, we welcome four new Board members: Marjorie Chan (Ohio State University), He Baozhang (Harvard University), Claire Kotenbeutel (James Madison Memorial High School, Madison, WI), and Audrey Li (University of Southern California). We also will have the services of three Board members serving as Program Chairs for the 1998 annual meeting: Julian Wheatley, Margaret Wong, and Claire Kotenbeutel. Details about that meeting in Chicago next November will be found elsewhere in this issue of the NEWSLETTER.

While our annual meeting remains a major focus of our activities, it is clear that CLTA is no longer an organization whose motto is “publish and present, or perish.” The year ahead will see the promotion of at least two major initiatives:

1. A CLTA WEB SITE. The Board of Directors has formed a Task Force, composed of Bai Jianhua, Dana Bourgerie, Marjorie Chan, Cynthia Ning, and Ted Yao, to build on existing CLTA web resources at Ohio State University and the National Foreign Language Center and develop a full web site. We will keep you informed of developments throughout the course of the year; feel free to contact any of the above Task Force members with your comments and questions.

2. A TEACHER TRAINING WORKSHOP: Consistent with the recommendations of both the 1996 and 1997 Leadership Seminar participants, and in response to the suggestions of many of our members, we plan to offer a one-day teacher training workshop immediately preceding next year’s annual meeting in Chicago. Again, details will be forthcoming in the months ahead.

Through these new activities, as well as through continuing projects and proposals still in the planning stages, it is hoped that CLTA will help better serve its members — enlightened educators that are serious about their own education as language professionals.

The theme for next year’s ACTFL annual meeting – “Winds of Change” – seems to be a most appropriate one for us as well. It is truly a time of SHUNFENG ZHUANDUO

We must continue to respond to the changing conditions of our students, our institutions, and our world to create the best possible conditions for the learning and teaching of Chinese language, literature and culture. It is through all of our efforts that these winds will be ones that do not hold us back, but move us forward.

With thanks for your efforts, and all good wishes for the year ahead,

Scott McGinnis, 1 December 1997

IPP Dec 1998

From The Immediate Past President

December 1998

Source: CLTA Newsletter 22.3. December 1998.
Consistent with the American holiday of Thanksgiving, it’s particularly satisfying to be able to provide you all with a bounty of good news, some of which you may not be aware of. Most of you are probably aware that the Association is now under the exceptionally able leadership of President Cynthia Ning (University of Hawaii) and Vice President Ke Chuanren (University of Iowa). Less well known to you may be our new Program Chair Xie Tianwei (University of California-Davis) and our new Nominations Chair Audrey Li (University of Southern California), as well as our new members of the Board of Directors Neil Kubler (Williams College), Wen Xiaohong (University of Houston), Xie Tianwei (University of California-Davis) and Jane P. Yang (Lawrence University). But I am certain that you will come to know and appreciate them better in the months and years ahead.

Equally unknown to many of you might be the high level of national prominence which two members of CLTA have achieved during this past year. Celine Robertson of Lincoln High School (Lincoln, NE), former president of CLASS as well as a CLTA member, was named the winner of the United States Disney Outstanding Teaching Award in the category of foreign language educators. And Professor Jin Honggang of Hamilton College was named the 1998 Carnegie Foundation Outstanding Baccalaureate College Professor. There is no better indication of how we have begun to gain recognition beyond the realm of the LCTLs.

In review of this past year for CLTA, there are in my opinion three very clear highlights:

  • A rapidly developing, superior quality, and VERY highly “hit”-upon CLTA Web Site — to which we owe Board member Marjorie Chan (The Ohio State University) and her Web Team a tremendous debt of gratitude.
  • The first of what will hopefully be a series of multi-topical, temporally frequent and geographically dispersed CLTA teacher training workshops, inspired from within and developed by the participants in the two CLTA Leadership Workshops. To Martha Wang Gallagher (United States Military Academy) and all of this initial year’s participants in the pre-annual meeting workshop “Adapting Textbooks for Local Conditions,” our sincere thanks.
  • A simultaneous paying of tribute to our profession’s founding mothers and fathers, and provision of support for the next generation of Chinese language educators — through YOUR donations, the 1998 recipients of the Walton Award and the Walton Travel Fund, Professor Emeritus John DeFrancis (University of Hawaii) and Ms. Tseng Miao-Fen (University of Illinois).

My sole request to the incoming Board, as well as to all of you, is that ALL Association members may take a greater role in expanding our mutual professional enhancement beyond what we regularly gain through the NEWSLETTER, JOURNAL and communications from CLTA Headquarters. We learn SO much from the work of leaders like Madeline Chu, Teng Shou-hsin, and Ted Yao. But we all have much to offer as well. It is in that spirit that I have proposed to the Board, and at the General Membership meeting in Chicago, as well as to all of you, that we might look upon the ACTFL model of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to communicate, commiserate, and otherwise clarify our common needs, goals, and solutions. I invite you to be in touch with your officers and Board regarding this challenge.

With thanks to all for all your contributions, and all good wishes,

Scott McGinnis

November 29, 1998


CLTA Monographs [Guidelines]

No.1. Functionalism and Chinese Grammar.
Edited by James H-Y. Tai and Frank F.S. Hsueh. (1989, paper, $20.00)
No.2. Chinese Language Pedagogy: Current Perspectives of the Emerging Field.
Edited by Scott McGinnis. (1996)
(Orders for No.2 should be directed to Foreign Language Publications at the Ohio State University. This is part of the Pathways to Advanced Skills series.)
No.3. Mapping the Course of the Chinese Language Field.
Edited by Madeline Chu. (1999)
No.4. Research Among Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language.
Edited by Michael Everson and Helen Shen, published by the
National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the U. of Hawaii (2010)

Leadership Seminar I: Abstract. (1997)

The publication of this volume, edited by Madeline Chu and Julian Wheatley, is made possible through a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation.

Orders and inquiries regarding these CLTA publications should be sent to:

CLTA Headquarters

Membership FAQs

Program Archives

Archived CLTA Sessions at the ACTFL Convention (PDF files):

2020 | 20212022
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
1997 | 1998 | 1999

Archived CLTA Session Abstracts:

When available, presenters’ abstracts will be posted online.
2003 | 2004 | —

Program Online

History of Officers & Board (2000s)


President: Jerome Packard – University of Illinois
Immediate past president: Yen-hui Audrey Li – University of Southern California
Vice president: Claudia Ross – College of the Holy Cross
Steering Committee: Jerome Packard – University of Illinois
Awards Committee: Prof. Chengzhi Chu — University of California – Davis
Jiede Committee: Prof. Chuanren Ke — University of Iowa
Nominating Committee: Dr. Scott McGinnis — Defense Language Institute
Program Committee:
Prof. Janet Xing (Program Chair) — Western Washington University
Prof. Xiaohong Sharon Wen (Conference Chair) — University of Houston
CLTA Fund-Raising Committee:Dr. Qinghai Chen — University of Michagin
By-laws Revision Committee: Prof. Yen-hui Audrey Li — University of Southern California
Membership Drive Committee: Mrs. Theresa Chao
Regional Chapter Liaison: Cathy J. Wei — Pasadena City College
Regional Associations Committee: Prof. Claudia Ross — College of the Holy Cross
AAS Liaison: Prof. Madeline Spring — Arizona State University
Asia Society: Prof. Jerome Packard — University of Illinois

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Zhengsheng Zhang — San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Interim Webmaster: Alan Peterka (until June 30) — Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA
Webmaster: John Chang (started July 1) — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA


President: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California
Vice President: Prof. Jerome Packard — University of Illinois
Immediate Past President:
Prof. Jennifer Liu — Indiana University
Steering Committee: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California
Awards Committee: Prof. Chengzhi Chu — University of California – Davis
Jiede Committee: Prof. Xiaohong Sharon Wen — University of Houston
Finance Committee: Suspended
Nominating Committee: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California
Program Committee:
Prof. Jerome Packard (Program Chair) — University of Illinois
Dr. Qinghai Chen (Conference Chair) — University of Michigan
CLTA Fund-Raising Committee: Prof. Shengli Feng — Harvard University
Theresa Chao (2010) — NCACLS, Santa Ana, CA
Prof. Chuanren Ke (2010) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Dr. Yulan Lin — Boston Public Schools, Brookline, MA
Prof. Claudia Ross — College of The Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Prof. Madeine Spring (2009) — Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Dr. Shuhan Wang — Asia Society, New York, NY
Cathy Wei (2010) — Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
Dr. John Young (Honorary)

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Cornelius C. Kubler — Williams College, Williamstown, MA;
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Prof. Jennifer Liu — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Vice President: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California
Immediate Past President:
Dr. Mien-hwa Chiang — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Steering Committee: Prof. Jennifer Liu — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Awards Committee: Prof. Chengzhi Chu — University of California – Davis
Jiede Committee: Prof. Songren Cui — Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Finance Committee: Prof. Hsin-hsin Liang — University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Nominating Committee: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Program Committee:
Prof. Claudia Ross (Program Chair) — College of The Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Prof. Madeline Spring (Conference Chair) — University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
CLTA Fund-Raising Committee: Prof. Jerome Packard (2008) — University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Dr. Qinghai Chen (2009) — University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Prof. Hsin-hsin Liang — University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Dr. Yulan Lin — Boston Public Schools, Brookline, MA
Dr. Charles Miracle — US Department of State
Dr. Shuhan Wang — Asia Society, New York, NY
Prof. Xiaohong Sharon Wen — University of Houston, Pearland, TX

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Cornelius C. Kubler — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Dr. Mien-hwa Chiang — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Vice President (Acting President Sept.2006):
Prof. Je Bloomington, IN
Immediate Past President:
Prof. Hong Gang Jin — Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
Awards Committee: Dr. Charles Miracle — Foreign Service Institute
Jiede Committee: Prof. Songren Cui — Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Finance Committee: Prof. Claudia Ross — College of The Holy Cross
Nominating Committee: Prof. Yeafen Chen —  U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Program Committee: Prof. Audrey Li — University of Southern California
CLTA Fund-Raising Committee: Prof. Jennifer Liu — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Prof. Richard Chi (2006) — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Prof. Michael E. Everson (2006) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Prof. Hsin-hsin Liang (2007) — University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Dr. Yulan Lin (2008) — Boston Public Schools, Brookline, MA
Prof. Jerome Packard (2008) — University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Dr. Shuhan Wang (2008) — Delaware Department of Education, Wilmington, DE
Dr. John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Vivian Ling — Goleta, CA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Prof. Hong Gang Jin — Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
Vice President:
Dr. Mien-hwa Chiang — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Immediate Past President:
Prof. Jianhua Bai — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Awards Committee: Prof. Hsin-hsin Liang
Jiede Committee: Prof. Songren Cui — Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Finance Committee: Prof. Gloria Bien — Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Nominating Committee: Dr. Julian Wheatley (2005) — Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Program Committee: Prof. Richard Chi — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
ED Review Committee: Prof. Jianhua Bai — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
CLTA Fund-Raising Committee: Dr. Mien-hwa Chiang — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Prof. Yea-fen Chen (2006) — U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
Prof. Michael E. Everson (2006) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Prof. Mark Hansell (2005) — Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Prof. Audrey Yen-hui Li (2007) — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Prof. Hsin-hsin Liang (2007) — University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Prof. Jennifer Li-chia Liu (2006) — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Dr. Charles Miracle (2007) — Foreign Service Institute
Dr. John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Vivian Ling — Goleta, CA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Jianhua Bai (2004) — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Vice President & Program Chair: Hong Gang Jin (2005) — Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
Immediate Past President: Dana Scott Bourgerie (2003) — Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Awards Committee Chair: Mark Hansell (2005) — Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Jiede Committee Chair: Mien-hwa Chiang (2004) — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Finance Committee Chair: Gloria Bien (2005) — Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Nominating Committee Chair: Jennifer Li-chia Liu (2006) — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
Yea-fen Chen (2006) — U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
T. Richard Chi (2006) — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Michael E. Everson (2006) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Stephen [Fleming] Tschudi (2004) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Lucy Lee (2004) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Julian Wheatley (2005) — Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Vivian Ling — Goleta, CA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach, CA
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Dana Scott Bourgerie (2003) — Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Vice President & Program Chair: Jianhua Bai (2004) — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Immediate Past President: Claudia Ross (2002) — College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Awards Committee Chair: Lucy Lee (2004) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Finance Committee Chair: Gloria Bien (2005) — Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Nominating Committee Chair: Mien-hwa Chiang (2004) — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Stephen Fleming (2004) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Martha Wang Gallagher (2003) — U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY
Mark Hansell (2005) — Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Hong Gang Jin (2005) — Hamilton College, Clinton, NY
Richard VanNess Simmons (2003) — Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Julian Wheatley (2005) — Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Vivian Ling — Goleta, CA
Newsletter Editor: Tianwei Xie — California State University, Long Beach
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Claudia Ross (2002) — College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Vice President & Program Chair: Dana Scott Bourgerie (2003) — Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Immediate Past President: Marjorie K.M. Chan (2000) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Awards Committee Chair: Zheng-sheng Zhang (2003) — San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Finance Committee Chair: Jianhua Bai (2004) — Kenyon College, OH
Nominating Committee Chair: James E. Dew (2002) — Goleta, CA
Mien-hwa Chiang (2004) — University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Hung-nin Samuel Cheung (2002) — HK University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Chih-ping Chou (2002) — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Stephen Fleming (2004) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Martha Wang Gallagher (2003) — U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY
Lucy Lee (2004) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Richard VanNess Simmons (2003) — Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI
Webmaster: Marjorie K.M. Chan — The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


President: Marjorie K.M. Chan (2000) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Vice President & Ad Hoc Bylaws Revision Comm. Chair: Claudia Ross (2002) — College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Immediate Past President: Chuanren Ke (1999) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Nominating Committee Chair: Martha Wang Gallagher (2003) — U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY
Program Committee Chair: Zheng-sheng Zhang (2003) — San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
Ad Hoc Awards Committee Chair: Sharon Xiaohong Wen (2001) — University of Houston, Houston, TX
Dana Scott Bourgerie (2003) — Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Hung-nin Samuel Cheung (2002) — HK University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Chih-ping Chou (2002) — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
James E. Dew (2002) — Santa Barbara, CA
Jing Heng Ma (2003) — Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Tianwei Xie (2001) — University of California-Davis, CA
Jane Parish Yang (2001) — Lawrence University, Appleton, WI
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director (beginning 01.01.01): Cynthia Ning — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI


President: Chuanren Ke (1999) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Vice President: Marjorie K.M. Chan (2000) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Immediate Past President: Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Nominating Committee Chair: Sharon Xiaohong Wen (2001) — University of Houston, Houston, TX
Program Committee Chair: Baozhang He (2000) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Ad Hoc Awards Committee Chair: Claire Kotenbeutel (2000) — Memorial High School, Madison, WI
Hung-nin Samuel Cheung (2002) — HK University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Chih-ping Chou (2002) — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
James E. Dew (2002) — Inter-University Program, Tsinghua University
Yen-hui Audrey Li (2000) — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Claudia Ross (2002) — College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Tianwei Xie (2001) — University of California-Davis, CA
Jane Parish Yang (2001) — Lawrence University, Appleton, WI
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ
Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

History of Officers & Board – 1990s


President: Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Vice President: Chuanren Ke (1999) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Immediate Past President: Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Nominating Committee Chair: Yen-hui Audrey Li (2000) — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Program Committee Chair: Tianwei Xie (2001) — University of California-Davis, CA
Marjorie K. M. Chan (2000) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Baozhang He (2000) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Claire Kotenbeutel (2000) — Memorial High School, Madison, WI
Chen-ching Li (1999) — Ministry of Education, Taipei, TAIWAN
Jennifer Li-chia Liu (1999) — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Cornelius Kubler (2001) — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Sharon Xiaohong Wen (2001) — University of Houston, Houston, TX
Julian Wheatley (1999) — Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
Jane Parish Yang (2001) — Lawrence University, Appleton, WI
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI


President: Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Vice President: Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Immediate Past President: Telee Richard Chi (1997) — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Nominating Committee Chair: Baozhang He (2000) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Program Committee Chair: Chuanren Ke (1999) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Jianhua Bai (1998) — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Marjorie K. M. Chan (2000) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Michael E. Everson (1998) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Claire Kotenbeutel (2000) — Memorial High School, Madison, WI
Yen-hui Audrey Li (2000) — University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Chen-ching Li (1999) — Ministry of Education, Taipei, TAIWAN
Jennifer Li-chia Liu (1999) — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Galal Walker (1998) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Julian Wheatley (1999) — Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA
Margaret M. Wong (1998) — Breck School, Minneapolis, MN
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI


President: Telee Richard Chi (1997) — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Vice President/Immediate Past President: Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Nominating Committee Chair: Timothy Light (1995) — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Program Committee Chair: Chuanren Ke (1999) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Jianhua Bai (1998) — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Dana Bourgerie (1997) — Brigham Young Unviersity, Provo, UT
Der-lin Chao (1997) — Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Michael E. Everson (1998) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Chen-ching Li (1999) — TECRO in USA, Washington, DC
Jennifer Li-chia Liu (1999) — Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Galal Walker (1998) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Julian Wheatley (1999) — Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Margaret M. Wong (1998) — Breck School, Minneapolis, MN
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI


*President: Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Nominating Committee Chair: Timothy Light (1995) — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Program Committee Chair: Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Jianhua Bai (1998) — Kenyon College, Gambier, OH
Dana Bourgerie (1997) — Brigham Young Unviersity, Provo, UT
Der-lin Chao (1997) — Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Telee Richard Chi (1997) — University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Michael E. Everson (1998) — University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Beverly Hong-Fincher (1996) — Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Lucy Lee (1996) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Susan Shen (1996) — University of Texas, Austin, TX
Galal Walker (1998) — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Margaret M. Wong (1998) — Breck School, Minneapolis, MN
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TAIWAN
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

*Note: In 1996 the Chairperson was renamed the President, and the following year Vice President (an elected position thereafter) and Immediate Past President positions were added by 1996 by-law ratifications.


Chair: Timothy Light (1995) — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Program Committee Chair: Jerome Packard (1995) — University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Dana Bourgerie (1997) — Brigham Young Unviersity, Provo, UT
Der-lin Chao (1997) — Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Telee Richard Chi — (1997) University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
James E. Dew (1995) — c/o Inter-University Program, Taipei, TAIWAN
Beverly Hong-Fincher (1996) — Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Lucy Lee (1996) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Vivian Ling (1995) — Inter-University Program, Taipei, TAIWAN
Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Cynthia Ning (1997) — University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
Susan Shen (1996) — University of Texas, Austin, TX
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Newsletter Editor: Ted Tao-chung Yao — Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA


Chair: Timothy Light (1995) — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Nominating Committee Chair: Jerome Packard (1995) — University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Program Committee Chair: Scott McGinnis (1996) — University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Thomas Carl Bartlett (1994) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Yung-O Biq (1994) — San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
James E. Dew (1995) — Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Beverly Hong-Fincher (1996) — Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Cornelius C. Kubler (1994) — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Lucy Lee (1996) — Livingston High School, Livingston, NJ
Chen-ching Li (1994) — CCNAA, Washington, D. C.
Vivian Ling (1995) — Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Susan Shen (1996) — University of Texas, Austin, TX
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: James Tai — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Newsletter Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA


Chair: Claudia Ross (1993) — College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Nominating Committee Chair: Cornelius Kubler (1994) — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Program Committee Chair: James E. Dew (1995) — Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Thomas Carl Bartlett (1994) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
John Berninghausen (1993) — Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
Yung-O Biq (1994) — San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
Chen-ching Li (1994) — CCNAA, Washington, D. C.
Timothy Light (1995) — Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Vivian Ling (1995) — Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Jing-heng S. Ma (1993) — Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Jerome Packard (1995) — University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Chih-wen Su (1993) — Amherst, MA
John Young (Honorary) — South Orange, NJ

Executive Director: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Journal Editor: James Tai — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Newsletter Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA


Chair: Madeline Chu (1992) — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Nominating Committee Chair: Hua-yuan Li Mowry (1992) — Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Program Committee Chair: Claudia Ross (1993) — College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Membership Committee Chair: Jing-heng Ma (1993) — Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Thomas Carl Bartlett (1994) — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
John Berninghausen (1993) — Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
Yung-O Biq (1994) — San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
Chauncey Chu (1992) — University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
James E. Dew (1995) — Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Cornelius C. Kubler (1994) — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Chen-ching Li (1994) — CCNAA, Washington, D. C.
Chih-wen Su (1993) — Amherst, MA
Tao-chung Yao (1992) — Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

Executive Director: Chih-ping Chou — Princeton University
Journal Editor: James Tai — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Newsletter Editor: Shou-hsin Teng — University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Monograph Editor: Frank Hsueh — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH


Chair: Chauncey Chu — University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Nominating Committee Chair: Tao-chung Yao — Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Program Committee Chair: Madeline Chu — Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI
Thomas Carl Bartlett — Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
John Berninghausen — Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
Cornelius C. Kubler — Williams College, Williamstown, MA
Richard Kunst — Duke University,
Irene Liu — Columbia University, New York, NY
Jing-heng Ma — Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
Hua-yuan Li Mowry — Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Claudia Ross — College of Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Chih-wen Su — Amherst, MA

* Executive Director: Chih-P’ing Chou — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Monograph Editor: Frank Hsueh — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Monograph Editor: Tim Light — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Journal Editor: James Tai — Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

* Note: The position of Secretary/Treasure was renamed Executive Director in 1991


Chair: Telee R. Chi (1990) — Bringham Young University
?Nominating Committee Chair:
?Program Committee Chair:
William H. Baxter III (1991) — University of Michigan
Thomas Tze-yi Chao (1990) — Iolani School, Hawaii
Samuel Cheung (1991) — University of California at Berkeley
Chauncey Chu (1992) — University of Florida
Madeline Chu (1992) — Kalamazoo College
Theodore D. Huters (1990) — University of California at Irvine
Richard Kunst (1991) — Duke University
Irene C. Liu (1991) — Columbia University
Hua-yuan Mowry (1992) — Dartmouth College
Catherine Yi-yu Cho Woo (1990) — San Diego State Univeristy
Tao-chung Yao (1992) — Mount Holyoke College
Secretary/Treasurer: Chih-P’ing Chou — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Journal Editor: James Tai
Associate Editor: Kirk Denton
Associate Editor: Galal Walker

History of Officers & Board – 1980s


Chair: Chih-p’ing Chou (1989) — Princeton University
William H. Baxter III (1991) — University of Michigan
Chih-ch’ao Chao (1989) — University of Chicago
Thomas Tze-yi Chao (1990) — Brigham Young University
Samuel Cheung (1991) — University of California at Berkeley
Theodore D. Huters (1990) — University of Oregon
Richard Kunst (1991) — Duke University
Irene C. Liu (1991) — Columbia University
Stanley L. Mickel (1989) — Wittenberg Univeristy
Catherine Yi-yu Cho Woo (1990) — San Diego State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: James Tai (1989) — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Galal Walker — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Timothy Wong — Ohio State University
Review Editor: Peter Li — Rutgers University


Chair: Margaret Sung (1989) — Indiana University
Chih-ch’ao Chao (1989) — University of Chicago
Thomas Tze-yi Chao (1990) — Iolani School, Hawaii
Telee R. Chi (1990) — Brigham Young University
Chih-p’ing Chou (1989) — Princeton University
Vivian Hsu (1988) — Oberlin College
Theodore D. Huters (1990) — Queens College of CUNY
Yan-shuan Lao (1988) — Ohio State University
Stanley L. Mickel (1989) — Wittenberg Univeristy
Margaret Sung (1988) — Indiana University
Catherine Yi-yu Cho Woo (1990) — San Diego State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: James Tai (1989) — Ohio State University
Review Editor: Peter Li (1988) — Rutgers University
Associate Editor: Galal Walker — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Timothy Wong — Ohio State University


Chair: Margaret Sung (1988) — Indiana University
Chih-ch’ao Chao (1989) — University of Chicago
Chih-p’ing Chou (1989) — Princeton University
Shang-hsien Ho (1987) — University of Hawaii
Vivian Hsu (1988) — Oberlin College
Yan-shuan Lao (1988) — Ohio State University
Margaret Wong Michaelson (1987) — Breck School of Minneapolis
Stanely L. Mickel (1989) — Wittenburg
John S. Rohsenow (1987) — University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
James Tai (1989) — Southern Indiana University
Shou-hsin Teng (1987) — University of Massachusetts

Secretary Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: F.S. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Review Editor: Peter Li (1988) — Rutgers University


Chair: Shou-hsin Teng (1987) — University of Massachusetts
Dayle Barnes (1986) — University of Pittsburgh
Hsiao-min W. Chang (1986) — Whittier College
Peter Dratz (1986) — Booker T. Washington High School of Tulsa
Shang-hsien Ho (1987) — University of Hawaii
Vivian Hsu (1988) — Oberlin College
Yan-shuan Lao (1988) — Ohio State University
Margaret Wong Michaelson (1987) — Breck School of Minneapolis
John S. Rohsenow (1987) — University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
Margaret Sung (1988) — Indiana University
Timothy Wong (1986) — Arizona State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: F.S. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Association Editor: Stanley L. Mickel II — Wittenberg University
Review Editor: Peter Li (1988) — Rutgers University


Chair: Shou-hsin Teng (1987) — University of Massachusetts
Dayle Barnes (1986) — University of Pittsburgh
William H. Baxter III (1985) — University of Michigan
Hsiao-min W. Chang (1986) — Whittier College
Peter Dratz (1986) — Booker T. Washington High School of Tulsa
Shang-hsien Ho (1987) — University of Hawaii
Yun Lin (1986) — Seton Hall University
Chun-jo Liu (1985) — University of Minnesota
Margaret Wong Michaelson (1987) — Breck School of Minneapolis
Stanley Munro (1985) — University of Alberta
John S. Rohsenow (1987) — University of Illinois at Chicago Circle
Hope Kuo Staab (1985) — Punahou School of Hawaii
Galal Walker (1985) — Ohio State University
Timothy Wong (1986) — Arizona State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: F.S. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Stanley L. Mickel II — Wittenberg University
Review Editor: Peter Li — Rutgers University


Chair: Chun-jo Liu (1985) — University of Minnesota
Dayle Barnes (1986) — University of Pittsburgh
William H. Baxter III (1985) — University of Michigan
John Berninghausen (1984) — Middlebury College
Hsiao-min W. Chang (1986) — Whittier College
Ching-mao Cheng (1984) — University of Massachusettes
Peter Dratz (1986) — Booker T. Washington High School of Tulsa
Shang-hsien Ho (1987) — University of Hawaii
Yun Lin (1986) — Seton Hall University
Jing-heng Ma (1984) — University of Michigan
Stanley Munro (1985) — University of Alberta
George L. Shelley (1984) — Norwich University
Hope Kuo Staab (1985) — Punahou School of Hawaii
Galal Walker (1985) — Ohio State University
Timothy Wong (1986) — Arizona State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: F.S. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Stanley L. Mickel II — Wittenberg University
Managing Editor: John Montanaro — Yale University
Review Editor: Winston L. Yang — Seton Hall University
Associate Review Editor: William Lin — Seton Hall University


Chair: Chun-jo Liu (1985) — University of Minnesota
William H. Baxter III (1985) — University of Alabama
John Berninghausen (1984) — Middlebury College
Susan Blader (1983) — Dartmouth College
Richard W. Bodman (1983) — St. Olaf College
Ching-mao Cheng (1984) — University of Massachusettes
Lung Ching Chiao (1983) — University of Michigan
Jing-heng Ma (1984) — University of Michigan
Stanley Munro (1985) — University of Alberta
George L. Shelley (1984) — Norwich University
Hope Kuo Staab (1985) — Punahou School of Hawaii
Galal Walker (1985) — Ohio State University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: F.S. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Stanley L. Mickel II — Wittenberg University
Review Editor: Winston L. Yang — Seton Hall University
Associate Review Editor: William Lin — Seton Hall University


Chair: Chih-p’ing Sobelman (1982) — Columbia University
Susan Blader (1983) — Dartmouth College
Richard W. Bodman (1983) — St. Olaf College
Chih-ch’ao Chao (1981) — University of Chicago
Lung Ching Chiao (1983) — Vasaar College
Yin-lien C. Chin (1981) — Vasaar College
Albert Dien (1982) — Stanford University
Howard Goldblatt (1981) — San Francisco State University
F.S. Hsueh (1982) — Ohio State University
Peter Li (1981) — Rutgers University
John Montanaro (1981) — Yale University
Gilbert Roy (1981)

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: Timothy Light — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Daphne C. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Review Editor: Winston L. Yang — Seton Hall University
Associate Review Editor: William Lin — Seton Hall University


Chair: Chih-p’ing Sobelman (1982) — Columbia University
Susan Blader (1983) — Dartmouth College
Richard W. Bodman (1983) — St. Olaf College
Chih-ch’ao Chao (1981) — University of Chicago
Lung Ching Chiao (1983) — Vasaar College
Yin-lien C. Chin (1981) — Vasaar College
Albert E. Dien (1982) — Stanford University
Howard Goldblatt (1981) — San Francisco State University
F.S. Hsueh (1982) — Ohio State University
Peter Li (1981) — Rutgers University
John Montanaro (1981) — Yale University
Gilbert Roy (1981)

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: Fay Loo — Seward Park High School
Journal Editor: Timothy Light — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Daphne C. Hsueh — Ohio State University
Review Editor: Winston L. Yang — Seton Hall University
Associate Review Editor: William Lin — Seton Hall University


Chair: Chih-p’ing Sobelman (1982) — Columbia University
George C. Chao (1981) — University of Chicago
Yin-lien C. Chin (1981) — Vasaar College
Albert E. Dien (1982) — Stanford University
Howard Goldblatt (1971) — San Francisco State University
Robert E. Hegel (1980) — Washington University
Vivian Ling Hsu (1980) — Oberlin College
F.S. Hsueh (1982) — Ohio State University
Peter Li (1981) — Rutgers University
Ying-che Li (1980) — University of Hawaii
John Montanaro (1981) — Yale University
Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: Fay Loo (1981) — Seward Park High School
Journal Editor: Timothy Light (1980) — Ohio State University
Associate Editor: Marie Chan — University of Arizona
Review Editor: Winston L. Yang — Seton Hall University

History of Officers & Board – 1970s


Chair: Diana Kao (1979) — City College
Chih-chih Chao (1981) — University of Chicago
Yin-lien C. Chin (1981) — Vassar College

John Defrancis (1979) — University of Hawaii
James Dew (1979) — University of Mo
Robert E. Hegel (1980) — Washington University
Vivian Ling Hsu (1980) — Oberlin College
Ying-che Li (1980) — University of Hawaii
Fay Loo (1981) — Seward Park High School
John S. Montanaro (1981) — Yale University
John C. Y. Wang (1979) — Stanford University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: Chih-ping Sobelman — Columbia University
Journal Editor: Timothy Light (1980) University of Arizona
Associate Editor: Marie Chan — University of Arizona
Review Editor: Winston L.Y. Yang — Seton Hall University


Chair: Hans Frankel (1978) — Yale University
Robert Cheng (1978) — University of Hawaii
James Dew (1979) — University of Michigan
Robert E. Hegel (1980) — Washington University
Vivian Ling Hsu (1980) — Oberlin College
Diana Kao (1979) — City College
Ying-che Li (1980) — University of Hawaii
Timothy Light (1980) — University of Arizona
Gerry Poppen (1978) — Hunterdon High School
Gilbert Roy (1978) — University of Virginia
John C. Y. Wang (1979) — Stanford University

Secretary/Treasurer: John Young — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: C.P. Sobelman — Columbia University
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Carolyn Braunstein — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John Defrancis (1979) — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: James R. Landers — University of Hawaii
Editorial Board Chair: Adele A. Rickett
Review Editor: Winston L.Y. Yang


Chair: Chung-wen Shih (1977) — George Washington University
Robert Cheng (1978) — University of Hawaii
James Dew (1979) — University of Michigan
Hans Frankel (1978) — Yale University
Diana Kao (1979) — City College of New York
Gerry Poppen (1978) — Hunterdon High School
John McCoy (1977) — Cornell University
Gilbert Roy (1978) — University of Virginia
Shou-hsin Teng (1977) — University of Massachusetts, Amherst
John C. Y. Wang (1979) — Stanford University
William S-Y Wang (1977) — University of California, Berkeley

Secretary/Treasurer: Fred Fangyu Wang — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: C.P. Sobelman — Columbia University
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Carolyn Braunstein — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis (1979) — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: James R. Landers — University of Hawaii
Editorial Board Chair: Adele A. Rickett — University of Pennsylvania
Review Editor: Winston L.Y. Chang


Chair: Chung-wen Shih (1977) — George Washington University
Robert Cheng (1978) — University of Hawaii
Hans Frankel (1978) — Yale Univeristy
Tien-yi Li (1976) — Ohio State University
John McCoy (1977) — Cornell University
Gerry Poppen (1978) — Hunterdon High School
James R. Ross (1976) — U.S. Military Academy
Gilbert Roy (1978) — University of Virginia
Shou-hsin Teng (1977) — University of Massachusetts
William S-Y Wang (1977) — University of California
Winston L. Y. Yang (1976) — Seton Hall University

Secretary/Treasurer: Fred Fangyu Wang — Seton Hall University
Associate Secretary: C. P. Sobelman (1976) — Columbia University
Assistant Secretary: Mairan M. Hartstein — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: James R. Landers — University of Hawaii


Chair: William Wang (1977) — University of California, Berkeley
Parker Po-fei Huang (1975) — Yale University
Pickering Lee (1975) — Toledo School District
Tien-yi Li (1976) — Ohio State University
Helen Lin (1975) — Wellesley College
John McCoy (1977) — Cornell University
James R. Ross (1976) — U.S. Military Academy
William Schultz (1975) — University of Arizona
Chung-wen Shih (1977) — George Washington University
C. P. Sobelman (1976) — Columbia University
Shou-hsin Teng (1977) — University of Massachusetts
Winston L. Y. Yang (1976) — Seton Hall University

Secretary/Treasurer: Fred Fangyu Wang — Seton Hall University
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: David DuGoff — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: James R. Landers — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Book Review Editor: Adele A. Rickett — University of Pennsylvania
Bibliographer: Peter Chang — Eckerd College


Chair: Winston L. Y. Yang (1976) — Seton Hall University
Parker Po-fei Huang (1975) — Yale University
John C. Jameison (1974) — University of California, Berkeley
Pickering Lee (1975) — Toledo School District
Tien-yi Li (1976) — Ohio State University
Helen Lin (1975) — Wellesley College
Shou-ying L. Lin (1974) — Harvard University
James R. Ross (1976) — U.S. Military Academy
William Schultz (1975) — University of Arizona
C. P. Sobelman (1976) — Columbia University

Acting Secretary/Treasurer: Ta-hsia Kuo — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Technical Editor/Acting Editor: James R. Landers — University of Hawaii
Book Review Editor: Adele A. Rickett (1974) — University of Pennsylvania
Bibliographer: Peter Chang — Eckerd College


Chair: Stanely Spector (1972) — Washington University
Leo Chen (1973) — California State University, San Francisco
Ta-tuan Chen (1973) — Princeton University
Parker Po-fei Huang (1975) — Yale University
John C. Jameison (1974) — University of California, Berkeley
Helen Lin (1975) — Wellesley College
Shou-ying L. Lin (1974) — Harvard University
Chun-jo Liu (1973) — University of Minnesota
Pickering Lee (1975) — Toledo School District (High School Representative)

Secretary: Winston L. Y. Yang — Seton Hall University
Assistant Secretary: Raymond R. Tchou — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis — University of Hawaii
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Technical Editor: James R. Landers — University Hawaii
Book Review Editor: Adele A. Rickett (1974) — University of Pennsylvania


Chair: Stanely Spector (1972) — Washington University
Leo Chen (1973) — San Francisco State College
Shou-ying L. Lin (1974) — Harvard University
Chun-jo Liu (1973) — University of Minnesota
Ta-tuan Chen (1973) — Princeton University
Eugene Ching (1972) — Ohio State University
John C. Jameison (1974) — University of California, Berkeley

Secretary: Winston L. Y. Yang — Seton Hall University
Treasurer: Fred Wang (1972) — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Technical Editor: James R. Landers — University Hawaii
Book Review Editor: Adele A. Rickett (1974) — University of Pennsylvania


Chair: Stanely Spector (1972) — Washington University
Nicholas Bodman (1971) — Cornell University
James Dew (1971) — University of Michigan
Leo Chen (1973) — San Francisco State College
Chun-jo Liu (1973) — University of Minnesota
Ta-tuan Chen (1973) — Princeton University
Eugene Ching (1972) — Ohio State University
Tsu-lin Mei (1971) — Harvard University
Fred Wang (1972) — Seton Hall University

Secretary: Winston L. Y. Yang — Seton Hall University
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Book Review Editor: Adele A. Rickett — University of Pennsylvania


Chair: Yu-ju Chih (1970) — Indiana University
Nicholas Bodman (1971) — Cornell University
Eugene Ching (1972) — Ohio State University
Tsu-lin Mei (1971) — Harvard University
Stanely Spector (1972) — Washington University
Hugh Stimson (1970) — Yale University
Maurice Tseng (1970) — San Francisco State College
Fred Wang (1972) — Seton Hall University
Secretary/Treasurer: James Dew (1971) — University of Michigan
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Book Review Editor: Jonathan Mirsky — Dartmouth College

History of Officers & Board – 1960s


Chair: John Young (1969) — University of Hawaii
Nicholas Bodman (1971) — Cornell University
Yu-ju Chih (1970) — Indiana University
Albert Dien (1969) — Columbia University
Tsu-lin (1970) — Yale University
Maurice Tseng (1970) — San Francisco State College
John B. Tsu (1969) — Seton Hall University

Secretary/Treasurer: James Dew (1971) — University of Michigan
Journal Editor: John DeFrancis
Associate Editor: David Lattimore — Brown University
Associate Editor: Richard Thompson — Georgetown University
Book Review Editor: Jonathan Mirsky — Dartmouth College


Chair: John B. Tsu (1969) — Seton Hall University
Kun Chang (1968) — University of California, Berkeley
Theodore Ch’en (1968) — University of Southern California
Yu-ju Chih (1970) — Indiana University
Rulan Pian (1968) — Harvard University
Hugh Stimson (1970) — Yale University
Maurice Tseng (1970) — San Francisco State College
John Young (1969) — University of Hawaii

Treasurer: Albert Dien (1969) — Columbia University
Journal Editor: Adele Rickett — University of Pennsylvania
Associate Editor: Richard Thompson — Georgetown University
Book Review Editor: Jonathan Mirsky — Dartmouth College


Chair: John B. Tsu (1969) — Seton Hall University
Kun Chang (1968) — University of California, Berkeley
Theodore Ch’en (1968) — University of Southern California
Charles Chu (1967) — Connecticut College
Albert Dien (1969) — Columbia University
Richard Mather (1967) — University of Minnesota
Rulan Pian (1968) — Harvard University
John Young (1969) — University of Hawaii

Secretary/Treasurer: James Wrenn (1967) — Brown University
Journal Editor: Adele Rickett
Associate Editor: Richard Thompson — Georgetown University
Book Review Editor: Jonathan Mirsky — Dartmouth College


Chair: John DeFrancis — Seton Hall University
Derk Bodde — University of Pennsylvania
John Campbell (Secondary Schools Representative) — DeVilbiss H. S., Toledo, OH
Kun Chang — University of California, Berkeley
Theodore Ch’en — University of Southern California
Charles Chu — Connecticut College
Kai-yu Hsü — San Francisco State College
Richard Pian — Harvard University

Secretary/Treasurer: James Wrenn — Brown University
Journal Editor: Adele Rickett
Associate Editor: Richard Thompson — Georgetown University
Book Review Editor: Jonathan Mirsky — University of Pennsylvania

[1962 through 1965: To be added when information becomes available … ]

History of Officers & Board

2020s | 2010s2000s | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s

The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA was established in 1962, and over the years it has been led by dedicated scholars and teachers, serving as officers and members of the CLTA Board of Directors (previously the CLTA “Executive Board”). The links above provide information on past years’ officers and board members spanning the decades, based on information provided in the Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, which began publication in 1966. As a result, information on officers and board members during the early formative years — from 1962 to 1965 — still needs to be compiled. The information obtained thus far, is organized by decades and arranged in reverse chronological order (that is, from most recent to most remote in time).

Affiliated Associations – NCOLCTL

Affiliated Associations

NCOLCTL Affiliation

National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages

CLTA is a dues-paying member of the National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL) since 1990, with voting representation at NCOLCTL’s annual Council Meeting. NCOLCTL addresses issue of national capacity in the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL’s) by facilitating communication among member organizations, and with the governmental, private, heritage, and overseas sectors of the language community, with the ultimate goal that of increasing the collective impact of LCTL constituencies on America’s ability to communicate with peoples from all parts of the world.

CLTA was a founding member of NCOLCTL during the life of Ron Walton who was one of the co-founders of NCOLCTL in 1990.  Since then, CLTA has been an active member of NCOLCTL and many leaders of CLTA have served NCOLCTL, such as Scott McGinnis, who was the second ED of NCOLCTL, Michael Everson, who was a former President of NCOLCTL served NCOLCTL for 6 years, Hong Gang Jin, who was also a former President of NCOLCTL), and currently Yea-Fen Chen, who is a current Exec Board member of NCOLCTL.

Chinese Language Enrollment Stats


New MLA Survey Shows Significant Increases in Foreign Language Study at U.S. Colleges and Universities. (13 November 2007)Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, FAll 2006. By Nelly Furman, David Goldberg, and Natalie Lusin. Web publication, 13 November 2007. Modern Language Association.

Interest in language study at American colleges and universities has increased broadly and significantly since 2002, according to a comprehensive new survey, Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, Fall 2006, released today by the Modern Language Association of America (MLA) and funded by the United States Department of Education.

Interest in language study has been increasing steadily since 1998. While the study of the most popular languages, Spanish, French, and German, continues to grow and together represents more than 70% of language enrollments, their dominance is slowly decreasing in the face of growing interest in languages such as Arabic (up 127%), Chinese (up 51%), and Korean (up 37%). … [Press release (pdf, 84 kb)]

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Note: The enrollment statistics from MLA are organized into three different and very useful categories at their website, Enrollments in Languages Other Than English in United States Institutions of Higher Education, FAll 2006:

  1. Fall 2006 Language Enrollments: Organized by Language, State, and Institution
  2. Fall 2006 Language Enrollments: Organized by State, Language, and Institution
  3. Fall 2006 Language Enrollments: Organized by State, Institution, and Language

If you click on each of those links at their website, you get a listing of PDF files for each subcategory within those three main categories. Of most interest to Chinese language teachers and administrators is likely the PDF file for Fall 2006 Enrollments in Chinese, by State (and Institution) (pdf file).- – – – – –

Side Note: MLA Language Map: A Map of Languages in the United States — While you are at the MLA website, take a look at their language map. It is an interactive map that uses data from the federal government’s 2000 census to display the locations and numbers of speakers of thirty-three languages and language groups spoken in the U.S., including Chinese.

The statistics below were compiled on 18 February 2005 by Dr. Scott McGinnis.

  1. According to the fall, 2002 survey of foreign language enrollments in US institutions of higher education, conducted by the Modern Language Association (MLA), Chinese, at 34,153 students enrolled nationwide, was in 2002 the seventh most commonly studied language in American colleges and universities, increasing 20% since the last MLA survey in 1998. See www.adfl.org/resources/.
  2. At the high school level, “A Report on 2001-2002 Chinese Enrollments at the Pre-collegiate Level” by the Secondary School Chinese Language Center (SSCLC) at Princeton University; January 26, 2002, reported the following statistics for that final year of their previously (1995-2002) annual survey: 203 schools in 31 states offered Chinese language classes, with a total student enrollment of 23,900 (12,660 in grades nine to twelve; 3579 in grades seven and eight; and 7661 in kindergarten through sixth grade). SSCLC has not conducted the survey since 2001-2002.
  3. The Chinese Language Association for Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS) conducted a survey largely based upon their membership (which does not include all teachers of Chinese at the K-12 level) in 2003-04. 163 schools responded, and reported a total enrollment of 16,091 students. To contact CLASS, see www.classk12.org.
  4. According to the website of the National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS), current student enrollment in NCACLS-affiliated Chinese community schools is estimated to be around 100,000 as of early 2005. NCACLS schools have primary connections with the Taiwan immigrant and heritage communities in the United States. Further information about NCACLS may be found at their website of www.ncacls.org.
  5. The Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS), which has primary connections with the mainland Chinese immigrant and heritage communities, reports student enrollment of approximately 60,000 as of early 2005. Further information about CSAUS may be found at their website of www.csaus.org.

Affiliated Associations – ACTFL

Affiliated Associations

ACTFL Affiliation

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

The first CLTA annual conferences were held in December, in conjunction with the Modern Languages Association (MLA). The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) formed out of MLA in 1967, and officially established a separate November conference in 1969. CLTA chose to collaborate with ACTFL, and has been a dues-paying member since. CLTA has voting representation at ACTFL’s annual ACTFL Assembly and Business Meeting.

ACTFL, headquartered in Yonkers, New York, is a large, national organization that is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction; it is the only national organization representing teachers of all languages at all education levels. ACTFL’s annual Delegate Assembly meetings focus on professional initiatives at the national level and projects in collaboration with other language organizations. These meetings, which receive input from well over a hundred delegates from affiliated organizations, are held in conjunction with ACTFL’s annual convention, where CLTA also holds its annual meetings.

Special projects at ACTFL that impact the Chinese language teaching field include the maintenance of statistics on foreign language enrollment1, and the National Standards Project, a collaborative project responsible for the development of national content standards for foreign language education, including Chinese; and the New Visions in Foreign Language Education Project (see below the report by Prof. Cynthia Ning (Immediate Past President, 2000), published in the December 2000 issue of the CLTA Newsletter). These and other ACTFL projects will continue to have impact on the foreign language teaching field at large.

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1For some information on enrollment, see our page on Statistics on Chinese Language Enrollment.

Regional Associations

CLTA By-Laws: Article XII

CLTA By-Laws


Section 12.01. Ratification of the Original By-laws

The original by-laws were ratified and became effective upon ratification by one-third of the Members of the Association present at the annual meeting of the Association held on December 29, 1963, in Chicago, Illinois at The Palmer House.

Section 12.02. Ratification of the Amended By-laws

The original By-laws were amended on July 15,1996 and, by majority vote of a quorum of the Members of the Association conducted by mail ballot, were further amended on June 15, 2001, and March 30, 2007.

CLTA By-Laws: Article XI

CLTA By-Laws

Section 11.01. Amendment by Members

At any meeting of the Members at which a quorum is present, these by-laws may be altered, amended, or repealed by a majority of the votes of the Members present in person or by proxy, provided that the notice of the meeting sets forth the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal. The same may be approved by mail, in which case the majority of the votes of a quorum of the membership shall be required for any proposed amendment.

CLTA By-Laws: Article X

CLTA By-Laws

Section 10.01. Office

The office of the Chinese Language Teachers Association shall be in the city and state designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may establish additional offices.