From the President
September 2000
Source: CLTA Newsletter 24.2. September 2000.
Greetings GEWEI from Iowa:
It is my official duty to announce the shocking news of Professor Madeline Chu’s resignation as CLTA Executive Director. On August 9th she submitted her, and on August 12, after several days of unsuccessful efforts to persuade her to reconsider, and with my deep regret, I accepted her resignation on behalf of the Board.
Professor Chu has graciously agreed to extend her service as the Executive Director until December 31, 2000, for the purpose of facilitating a smooth transition of the position. She has also expressed her earnest desire to do her best for a smooth transition.
On behalf of the Association, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude for Professor Chu’s enormous contributions and excellent service to the Association over her decade-long period of service. She has served as the CLTA Executive Director since 1992, and before that had served as President of CLTA. Among her most recent significant contributions to the field is her leadership role in organizing and directing the two CLTA Leadership Seminars in the summers of 1996 and 1997, and her editorship of a well-received proceedings of the Seminars published in 1999. Professor Chu is a life member of CLTA. We wish her all the best for her continued contributions to our field.
I am delighted to report that Professor James Dew, Chair of the CLTA Executive Director Review Committee, has agreed to take charge of our new ED search mission. Responsibilities of his ED Review Committee will now be extended to include the new ED search and overseeing the transition. This is truly a major operation. We are grateful to Professor Dew and his Committee for their dedications and contributions to our Association.
In this issue of the Newsletter, you will find results of this year’s hotly contested election. My warmest congratulations to the new officers. I look forward to working with you. Many thanks to the Elections Committee.
My best wishes for a productive fall semester. I look forward to seeing you all in Boston in November.
Ke Chuanren
August 22, 2000