From the President
December 2004
Source: CLTA Newsletter 28.3. December 2004, pp. 3-4. 在此辞旧迎新之际,我谨向全体CLTA会员致以节日的问候。
对中文教师学会(CLTA)来说,2005年将是一个有着特殊意义的一年,也是中文教学(Chinese as a Foreign Language) 领域发展关键的一年。这一年,我们外语教学全体同仁将在美国展开“外语之年”(the Year of Languages)的 庆祝活动。中文教学界当借此东风,吸引更多的人学习中文,了解中国文化。同时推动更多的人参与中文教学,投身 于中文教学(CFL)的学科建设及理论研究。
2005年也将是AP中文项目在美国全面开展的第一年。很多学者预测,AP中文的发展将对美国的中文教学领域有着不可估量的影响。这是因为:首先,AP中文将成为整合全美大、中、小学中文课程的中枢纽带;其次,AP中 文将成为联合各层次中文教学组织的桥梁,促进全美中文教学的交流与合作;再次,AP中文将为中文教学领域提供 多种研究素材,成为中文教学理论及实验研究的基地。
2005年还将见证中文教学领域已进入一个新的发展阶段。在过去十年中,中文学生的注册率有了大幅增长, 中文教师队伍不断扩大,各种中文教学资料层出不穷,地方性及专门性中文教学组织大量发展,中文教学理论及实验 研究亦逐步成熟。这些发展及变化证实中文教学领域经过几十年的奋斗,已经从一个边缘外语学科进入主流学科。中 文在全球正在成为一个令人瞩目的强势外语。
作为一个独立的外语学科,中文教学(CFL)一方面在逐步成熟、发展;另一方面,也将面临诸多新的挑战。 中文教师协会是一个具有40年历史的中文教学组织,在新的挑战面前应起到学科的带头作用,确立CLF学科意识,设定CFL的长期发展方向,加强CFL本学 科内及学科外的交流与合作。做为本届CLTA的会长,我希望在前任会长白建华教授及其他前任会长所创业绩的基础上,在全体理事会成员的协同帮助下,不负全 体会员的重托,在以下几个方面做出努力:
- 确立CLTA的学科研究目标。理事会将从明年开始讨论CLTA的学科发展方向,建立相对统一的CFL学科意识,有目标,有系统地进行CFL理论及实验研究。为促进这一目标,本届理事会决议拟定在2005-2006期间开始编纂第一套CFL实验研究专辑。专辑文章将采用公开征稿,专家评审的方式进行。此项工作由本届副会长蒋勉华老师负责。此外,CLTA在第一届实验研究工作坊的基础上,将在2005年会期间向全体会员提供第二届实验研究工作坊,此项工作将由皆得学术研究基金负责任人崔颂仁教授安排,具体专题将在下期会员通讯通知。
- 积极配合AP中文的发展,开展与之相关的课题讨论及研讨会。在2005年期间,围绕AP 中文,本会鼓励会员及语言中心在网上或在各地组织专题性研讨会,邀请专家为本会通讯及杂志组稿或投稿,系统介绍AP中文的设计理论及对中文教学领域提出的新挑战。
- 继续加强与其它中文教学组织及外语学科的联系,交流与合作。具体做法包括:(1) 为加强本会与其它外语教学组织的联系,今年理事会决定任命周淑涵为四年一任的CLTA学会代表参加全美外语教师协会(JNCL)在华盛顿举办的年会,以为本会争取应得利益及支持;(2) 为继续加强CLTA与其它中文教学组织的联盟及合作,本届理事会决定在没有CLASS理事成员的情况下,将邀请CLASS派代表列席参加CLTA理事会的例行讨论及例会。
- 大力发展中文教师学会的会员。除了进行例行的会员发展活动外,本会也要通过不同的电子通讯方式联络更多的中文教学机构及教学人员加入本会。
- 配合ACTFL的倡议,在中文教学领域展开2005年的”外语之年”活动。本会决定将明年CLTA年会的主题定为“中文教学领域的新挑战及新起点”(Taking TCFL to a New Level: Challenges and Prospects)。除了现有的专题研究报告外,本会年会负责人齐德立教授正与ACTFL 协商,增设中文教学研究展示组 (poster sessions),欢迎会员踊跃参加与同仁分享教学及研究成果。
- 积极开展各种募款活动,吸引各方资金支持学会活动,保持并建立专项研究基金及奖励项目。
Season’s Greetings to all CLTA members. As 2005 is fast approaching, we know that it will be an exciting and significant year for CLTA as well as the field of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) has designated 2005 as The Year of Languages to celebrate and communicate the power of language learning. Our Association will work in concert with ACTFL to promote and celebrate the learning of Chinese language and culture, and at the same time, attract more professionals engaging in CFL teaching and research.
The year 2005 will mark the first stage in the development of AP Chinese programs in the USA. Many scholars expect AP Chinese to make a profound impact on the CFL field. Not only will AP Chinese serve to bridge the curricular and instructional gap between K-12 and post-secondary schools, it will also help bring together Chinese teaching organizations representing both academic and heritage sectors. In addition, AP Chinese will form an important base for more serious and rigorous theoretical and empirical research in CFL.
The year 2005 may also mark a significant step in our field’s progress from the margins to the mainstream. In the past ten years, the field as seen a significant growth in enrollments, an increasing number of new and exciting Chinese programs and expansion of existing programs at all levels. The field has also produced an unprecedented number of high quality teaching materials and incorporated the most advanced technology into our daily teaching. At the same time, many in-depth and systematic theoretical and empirical studies of CFL are emerging. As CFL merges into the mainstream and becomes more mature, it faces new challenges and new responsibilities in taking leadership among less commonly taught languages.
At this important juncture, CLTA with its history of over forty years must take the lead in better understanding the field of teaching CFL and in advancing it to a new professional level. As the in-coming CLTA president, I look forward to continuing the traditions and constructive contributions established by the Immediate Past President Bai Jianhua and many other previous CLTA presidents. I will also work closely with the elected Board of Directors as well as the appointed officers. In the next year, we hope to achieve the following objectives:
- Systematically identifying needs for CFL research and practice. Throughout the coming year, the Board will engage in on-line discussions on needs, building strategies, and research agendas for the field of CFL. At its November meeting this year, the Board voted to undertake two specific projects in connection with the Jiede Grant: to publish a monograph dedicated to empirical studies in CFL, and to conduct another workshop on empirical research. Vice President Mienhwa Chiang will chair the Monograph Committee, which will seek a publisher, issue a call for papers, and evaluate them for publication. Songren Cui, as Chair of the Jiede Committee, will offer the workshop at next year’s CLTA annual conference in Baltimore. The theme of the workshop will be announced in the next issue of the CLTA newsletter.
- Actively supporting the development of AP Chinese. During 2005, the Board will work closely with the AP Chinese task force appointed by the College Board. We hope to initiate various on-line-discussions on issues related to AP Chinese tests and curricular requirements, to invite AP specialists and AP task force members to give lectures and contribute articles to CLTA newsletters and journals, in order to inform CLTA members of developments in AP Chinese and their potential impact on our future teaching.
- Further strengthening communication and collaboration with other language teaching organizations in the USA and in the world. The CLTA Board of Directors will continue to participate in organizations such as ACTFL, AAS (Association of Asian Studies), JNCL-NCLIS (Joint National Committee for Languages-National Council for Languages & International Studies), and NCOLCTL (National Council of Organizations of Less Commonly Taught Languages). At the same time, CLTA will continue our close alliance with such CFL organizations as CLASS (Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools), CSAUS (Chinese School Association in the United States) and NCACLS (National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools). This year, since no member of CLASS was elected to the Board, the Board voted to strengthen our longstanding association by inviting a representative from CLASS to participate as a nonvoting member in our routine discussions and meetings. The Board also voted to appoint Shuhan Wong to a four-year term to represent CLTA at JNCL.
- Planning for a vigorous membership drive. In addition to our regular annual membership drive, we hope to use different electronic and other devices to reach out and to attract more CFL professionals to join CLTA.
- Celebrating The Year of Languages. In conjunction with ACTFL’s celebration of The Year of Languages, CLTA has adopted a theme for next year’s conference: “Taking TCFL to a New Level: Challenges and Prospects”. Next year’s Program Chair, Professor Richard Chi, is working closely with ACTFL on the addition of poster sessions. A Call for Proposals appears in this issue of the Newsletter.
- Organizing fund raising campaigns. In 2005, we hope to approach different organizations and business groups to raise funds for long term CLTA endowments in support of continuing awards and research scholarships
I will conclude with my sincere hopes that through my hard-work and the collective efforts and wisdom of the Board, CLTA will better serve its members and its field. If you have any questions and suggestions during the year, please feel free to contact me or any of the board members and officers. Once again I thank you for your trust and support. Best wishes to you all for a fruitful and peaceful year!
Hong Gang Jin