Zhongqi Shi 史中琦
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Columbia University
Kent Hall 615
New York, NY 10027
Tel: 646-320-3806
Email: zs2132@columbia.edu

Yu Wu 吴瑜
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures
University of Rhode Island
60 Upper College Road,
Kingston, RI 02881
E-mail: yu_wu@uri.edu

Xia Liang 梁霞
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Washington University in St Louis
Tel: 314-935-4050
Email: xliang@wustl.edu

Luoyi Cai 蔡罗一
Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
New West 113, CB# 3267 UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3267

Chunmei Guan 关春梅
Department of World Languages
Logansport High School
1 Berry Lane
Logansport, IN 46947
Email: guanc@lcsc.k12.in.us

Kening Li 李可宁
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
University of Michigan
202 South Thayer Street
5024 South Thayer Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
phone: 734.764.9108
Email: keningli@umich.edu

Ninghui Liang 梁宁辉
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Yale University
434 Temple Street
New Haven, CT. 06511
Tel: 203-432-2939
Email: ninghui.liang@yale.edu

Gang Liu 刘刚
Department of Modern Languages
Carnegie Mellon University
341 Posner Hall
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel: (412) 268-5669

Yan Liu 刘艳
Department of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
Duke University
233 Franklin Center
Durham, NC 27708
Tel: 919-684-2912
E-mail: yl286@duke.edu

Yang Wang 汪洋
Dept. of East Asian Studies
Brown University
54 College St.
Providence, RI 02912
Tel: 401-863-9761
Email: Yang_Wang@brown.edu

Bonnie Wang (Chunmeng)
Department of World Languages
Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement
Durham Academy
3601 Ridge Road, Durham, NC 27705
E-mail: bonnie.wang@da.org

Feng Xiao 萧峰
Department of Asian Languages and Literatures
Pomona College
333 N College Way
Claremont, CA 91711
Tel: 909-621-8621
Email: feng.xiao@pomona.edu

Qiaona Yu 俞巧娜
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Wake Forest University
1834 Wake Forest Rd, Winston-Salem, NC27109
Tel: (336) 758-4817
Email: yuq@wfu.edu
Note: A new term of office* (for Members of the Board of Directors and Elected Officers) begins in the year following the November elections, upon the adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the Association in April. (For a look back at past years’ Officers and Board of Directors, see History of CLTA Officers and Board.)
* See the CLTA By-laws, Section 4.03 of Article IV. Board of Directors and Section 5.01 of Article V. Elected Officers of the Association.