CLTA Sponsorship GuidelinesPlease see the CLTA Sponsorship Guidelines for more information about gifts and donations. CLTA Gift You can make your gift to CLTA today using your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Please complete the following information. *Indicates a required field. 赠方 Donor * Affliliation 电子邮件 Email Address * 电话 Phone Number 地址 Address 附言 Comments/Instructions (Please indicate if your contribution is made in response to a particular purpose: monograph, past presidents, keynote, banquet, other). Every donation, large and small is deeply appreciated. Please enter the US Dollar amount of your generous gift below. Payment will be processed through our PayPal partner. 数额 Amount (USD) $ Thank you for making a difference with your generous contribution!
CLTA Sponsorship GuidelinesPlease see the CLTA Sponsorship Guidelines for more information about gifts and donations.