讲题 : 汉语动词词尾 “了1” 的呼应界点

时间: February 11 (Fri), 2022, 8pm-9:30pm (EST)
地点: ZOOM, Virtual Lecture via Zoom (Registration required, Open and Free for CLTA members)
特邀演讲嘉宾: 孙朝奋教授 (Professor Chaofen Sun), 斯坦福大学

Steps to Register

  1. https://www.clta-us.org
  2. Login with your CLTA Member info. 
  3. Fill out the 60th Anniversary Lecture Series registration form (you can also find the 60th Anniversary Lecture Series registration form under the News tab at the top of the CLTA website)
You will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link information immediately after your submission. Keep this email. You will need this information to enter the CLTA 60th Anniversary Lecture Series event. 
The event starts at 8:00 pm (EST). Zoom will open at 7:45 pm. The Zoom meeting can only admit up to 300 people, first come first served. 

For questions, please contact CLTA Headquarters: clta@andrew.cmu.edu


With our gratitude, we would like to THANK The Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) for sponsoring this CLTA 60th Anniversary Lecture #2 event.

Learn more about Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at XJTLU.

Learn more about Learning Chinese at XJTLU.