Volume 50:3, October 2015

In Memoriam: Professor Frank Feng-sheng Hsueh (薛鳳生教授) ··· i

Editor’s Message ···ii


The Place of Linguistics in CSL Teaching and Teacher Education: Toward a Usage-Based Constructionist Theoretical Orientation ··· 1

Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon

Curricular Goals and Curriculum Design: The Case of a College-level Chinese Language Program ··· 23

Han Luo, Lafayette College

Writing Practice and Chinese Character Recognition in Early Chinese Immersion Students ··· 45

Ellen Knell, Haii West;

Brigham Young University Chinese Flagship Program

Review Article

从课堂语篇研究看汉语二语课堂框架特点 ··· 63

袁芳远, 美国海军学院


《生活、認知與中文教學》Life, Cognition and Teaching Chinese by 戴金惠 ··· 79

Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon

《汉语作为第二语言的习得与教学》, by Xiaohong Wen ··· 85

Han Luo (骆涵), Lafayette College

Basic Spoken Chinese, by Cornelius C Kubler ··· 91

Matthew Christensen, Brigham Young University

Chinese: A Linguistic Introduction, by Chaofen Sun ··· 95

Hongyuan Dong, George Washington University

Advertisements ··· 62, 78, 84, 90

Volume 50:2, June 2015


From Corpus Analysis to Grammar Instruction: Toward a usage-based constructionist approach to constructional stratification·················· 1

Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, Xinjia Peng, University of Oregon

Jing-Yun Chen, Johns Hopkins University


Mapping Chinese Language Pedagogy from 1966 to 2013: A bibliometric study of the Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association········ 31

Helena Casas-Tost, Sara Rovira-Esteva

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


以華語教學視角檢視多義詞義項分析架構-以多義動詞「看」為例······················································· 59

歐德芬, 臺灣中原大學


Teach Yourself Chinese – how? The history of Chinese self-instruction manuals for English speakers, 1900-2010················ 77

Nicola McLelland, University of Nottingham



Studying in China: A Practical Handbook for Studentsby Patrick McAloon························································· 121

Jianling Liao (廖建玲), CIEE Study Center in Shanghai, China


Chinese Grammar at Work, by Shuanfan Huang····························· 125

Han Luo (骆涵) ,Lafayette College


Studies in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese, edited by Z. H. Han· 133

Chunsheng (George) Yang, University of Connecticut

Volume 50:1, February 2015


汉英认知定势及其跨文化转换···················································· 1

     陈忠, Beijing Language and Culture University


留学生汉语声调习得中阳上合流的实验研究·································· 19

     温宝莹, 南开大学汉语言文化学院

     燕芳, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊校区


美国学生汉语基础元音的习得:两字组与句子的对比······················· 43

   谢彦, Liberty University


Decoding College Chinese Placement Tests From the perspective of student performance····························· 61

       Yan Li, University of Kansas


Review article

美國大學主要文言文教材選篇研究············································· 83

   蔡蓉芝, 國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所



Chinese Discourse and Interaction: Theory and Practice, Yuling Pan, et al. 101

            Zhuo Jing-Schmidt, University of Oregon


《卓越汉语——公司实战篇》, Zhongqi Shi, et al.··························· 109

     Donglin Chai, Ohio State University


Discover China (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4), Ding Anqi et al. ························ 115

     Wen Xiong, University of Rhode Island

Volume 49:3, October 2014


A Learner Corpus Study of L2 Lexical Development of Chinese Resultative Verb Compounds································································ 1

Jie Zhang, University of Oklahoma


The Gap in the Use of Lexical Cohesive Devices in Writing between Native Chinese Speakers and Second Language Users····························· 25

       Shouji Li, Massey University


Understanding Language Anxiety and Ways to Alleviate it in Mandarin Classrooms··································································· 49

      Ying Zhou, St. Olaf College


利用网络喜剧小品培养初级语言能力·········································· 65

      吴永安, University of North Florida


对外汉语纠错反馈研究的单位界定及过程分解分析·························· 87

      靳洪刚、章吟, Hamilton College



Chinese Matters: From Grammar to First and Second Language Acquisition.

Edited by Chris Wilder and Tor A. Afarli.································· 117

      Nan Meng



2014 年第三期论文摘要

A Learner Corpus Study of L2 Lexical Development of Chinese Resultative Verb Compounds

Jie Zhang, University of Oklahoma

The Chinese resultative verb compounds (RVCs) are an important yet challenging compound structure for second language (L2) Chinese learners. However, there is little understanding about how the lexical features of RVCs emerge and develop in L2 Chinese learners. Drawing on written essays in an L2 Chinese learner corpus, this study investigated the lexical development of RVCs in frequency, component versatility, and accuracy. The findings revealed that learners acquired RVCs in three phases: the whole-word formula phase, the emergence of compound awareness phase, and the solidified compound awareness and lexical development phase. The study found that different types of RVCs demonstrated divergent patterns of development and posed different acquisition difficulties for learners, thus calling for different pedagogical approaches.



The Gap in the Use of Lexical Cohesive Devices in Writing between Native Chinese Speakers and Second Language Users

Shouji Li, Massey University

This study investigates differences in the use of lexical cohesive devices in the writing of native and second language speakers of Chinese using a corpus-based approach. The research employs two small-scale corpora: a corpus of 50 native-speaker Chinese texts written for the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) and a corpus of 50 second language user texts written for the HSK (the Chinese language proficiency test). In comparing the analyses of the two small-scale corpora, the findings show a low frequency in the use of important lexical devices by second language writers, devices such as the superordinate and hyponym relation, simple paraphrase, and complex paraphrase. In a bond density analysis (Hoey, 1991), the ratio of bond-forming to Non-bond forming sentences in the HSK texts is much lower than that in the NCEE texts. These findings suggest that learners of Chinese have a lower level of lexical competence and lack the capacity to create adequate and effective cohesive links across the text.

本文运用语料库语言学的研究方法,对中国学生以及汉语留学生所写的作文进行了对比分析,以期发现他们在使用词汇衔接手段上的差异。本研究使用两个小型语料库, 一个是由 50篇中国学生高考作文组成的NCEE语料库, 另一个是由50篇汉语留学生HSK作文组成的HSK语料库。通过对这两个小型语料库的统计分析,笔者发现汉语留学生使用一些重要词汇衔接手段的频率很低,这些手段包括上下义重复、简单与复杂重述。从构成衔接点的密度分析来看, 在HSK语料库中,能形成衔接点的句子数量与不能形成衔接点的句子数量的比例明显低于在NCEE 中的比例。这些结果表明汉语留学生的词汇能力偏低, 缺少在篇章中构建恰当、有效的词汇衔接的技能。


Understanding Language Anxiety and Ways to Alleviate it in Mandarin Classrooms

Ying Zhou, St. Olaf College

Language anxiety affects second language learning. Understanding language anxiety and how it plays a role in language learning is the first step toward addressing the issue. Language anxiety stems from different sources. The current paper summarizes six common sources of language anxiety from previous literature and also discusses the sources particularly relevant to learning Mandarin as a second language. The author then proposes ways to alleviate language anxiety from each source and discusses how to reduce language anxiety in acquiring the four skills, as well as in grammar and vocabulary learning. The paper intends to provide pedagogical suggestions to language teachers on how to help learners reduce their language anxiety and improve their language learning experience.




吴永安, University of North Florida


This article introduces the utilization of sketch comedy skits that are commonly available online to help lower level students enhance their language output capacity, specifically the ability to describe and narrate. Based on an extensive review of previous studies, the article discusses how to employ techniques such as chain-narration and intensive question drills in a structured environment during pre-class preparation. In-class drills and post-class evaluations are then used so that students can be prepared to comprehend and make use of the dramatic and narrative devices found in the video to retell the story and thus develop proficiency. Reflecting on the integration of educational technologies and teaching with video materials, the article also considers improving the level of effectiveness and interaction in CFL classrooms with the technologies and materials available at hand.



靳洪刚、章吟, Hamilton College

纠错反馈研究是第二语言习得领域的一个重要分支。本文试图通过实验手段系统分析对外汉语课堂的纠错反馈过程。实验对71例纠错反馈片断(corrective feedback episodes)进行系统编码、分类,并为下一步的纠错实验研究建立纠错单位界定标准及基线数据 (base-line data)。本文主要报告三个方面的调查分析:首先是对纠错诱因的分析,即汉语作为第二语言课堂随机错误类型的分类、编码及分析;其次是对汉语课堂的纠错过程进行分阶段分解分析,如纠错反馈的基本组成部分,纠错实施的不同阶段及不同功能等;最后是通过系统分析建立一个纠错分析系统,其中包括(1)对学习者错误的编码系统;(2)纠错单位的界定与计算方法;(3)纠错类型特征分析;(4)不同纠错类型的效应的对比分析。

As a subfield of second language acquisition, corrective feedback (CF) has been studied extensively. In order to establish CFL criteria for analysis of CF units and obtain baseline data for the subsequent CF studies, this article explores the data from 71 incidental corrective feedback episodes (CFEs) found during a session of CFL classroom interaction. Three sets of results will be reported and discussed: (1) analysis of corrective feedback triggers in terms of error types, CFE boundary marking, and coding criteria; (2) analysis of the CF resolution process in terms of basic components of each corrective feedback unit, different stages and functions of the corrective feedback process within a CF unit; and (3) proposal for a system for CF unit analysis unique to CFL, including coding and boundary marking of CF units, counting and tallying CF units, analyzing features of different types of CFs, and finally (4) comparing and contrasting CF effects in terms of output modifications.

Volume 49:2, June 2014


The Development of Intra-character Radical Awareness in L1 Chinese Children: Changing Strategies····························································· 1

Clay Williams, Akita International University


Literature Circles with Multimedia Support in Chinese Foreign Language Teaching······································································ 27

Xiaoshi Li, Michigan State University


Project-Based Chinese as a Foreign Language Instruction- A Teacher Research Approach······································································ 45

Juanjuan Zhao, University of Cincinnati

Gulbahar Beckett, University of Cincinnati


现代汉语词缀的发展:质变与量变············································· 75

Horng-Yi Lee, Whittier College




Encounters: Chinese Language and Culture, by Ning and Montanaro.···· 101

      Jianhua Bai, Kenyon College

Volume 49:1, February 2014


CLTA 2012 Survey of College-Level Chinese Language Programs in North America······························································· 1

Yu Li, Emory University

Xiaohong Wen, University of Houston

Tianwei Xie, California State University at Long Beach


An Exploratory Study of Why Language Learners Opt for Chinese and its Competitiveness as a World Language      51

Jeffrey Gil, Flinders University, Australia


The Effects of Pragmatics Instruction on L2 Learners’ Acquisition of Chinese Expressions of Gratitude: A Pilot Study ························· 95

Li Yang, Kansas State University


The Third Tone: Allophones, Sandhi Rules and Pedagogy··················· 117

Hang Zhang, George Washington University




A Chinese Grammar for English Speakers 《汉语语法指南》, by Chungeng Zhu and Yan Gao            147

      Hong Li, Emory University


An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics, by Perry Link······ 155

            Xiaoliang Li, Georgia Institute of Technology