BLCUP Award for Innovative Excellence in the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language

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Call for Submissions

CLTA is pleased to announce the opening of the competition for the BLCUP Award for Innovative Excellence in the Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language. Established with the generous support of Beijing Language and Culture University Press, this award is designed to encourage CLTA members to contribute to the improvement of Chinese Foreign Language (CFL) education in the United States through the design, development, and application of new pedagogy, innovative classroom practices, and teaching tools (e.g. multi-media).

Award and Eligibility

The fund has designated an annual amount of $1,500 to be divided between at least two teachers each year. Depending on the competition each year, the award money may be divided into two First Prizes or one First Prize and one to two Second Prizes. With the exception of the current members of the CLTA Awards Committee, all K-16 teaching professionals with active CLTA member status are eligible to apply.


Any unpublished innovative projects with the goal of improving CFL education are welcome for submission. While commercial products and most materials already accepted for publication are excluded from competition, a recently published article (within twelve months of submission deadline) on innovative pedagogy would be eligible for consideration. To qualify for the competition, a project should have been completed upon submission and be relatively comprehensive in scope. Projects covering an entire course or course unit will be considered, whereas projects covering only one class period (unless one class period constitutes a unit) will not.

Selection Criteria

Criteria for award selection primarily consist of the following:

  1. Rationale of Project. What is the need for the project and in what way would the current project make teaching more effective?
  2. Innovation of design. How does the project differ from current practices in the field?
  3. Outcome of Project. What is the evidence as to the effectiveness of the project (for example, expert endorsement, positive student reactions, or pre-and post-test performance gain)?


To apply, please prepare and submit the following information:

  1. A narrative description of the project, double-spaced and no more than five pages, including its rationale, design, outcome, and future development, if any. Please don’t include any identifying information in the description.
  2. Relevant supporting documents, such as handouts, DVDs, or texts. Electronic documents will be preferred. (Supporting documents will not be returned to the applicants after the competition, unless a self-addressed and pre-stamped envelope has been provided.)
  3. Award Application Form

Electronic applications only to CLTA Award Committee at, and indicate on the subject line that it is for “Application to BLCUP Teaching Award.” Winners will be notified by email and will receive the Awards at the CLTA Annual Conference. The winning projects will also be announced in the CLTA Newsletter, as well as featured on the websites of CLTA.

Award Recipients


First prize:  Jingjing Ji (Northwestern University)
“DEI in Chinese Heritage Language Instruction: Use the AAPI Unit as an Example”

Second prize: Han Luo (Lafayette College)
“Intercultural Learning through Chinese-American Telecollaboration: Results of a Song Sharing Project”

Third prize: Lu Lu (Virginia Military Institute)
“Develop students’ leadership competencies in Chinese language courses”


First prize:  Lini Ge Polin 葛黎妮 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Li Yang 杨黎 (Kansas State University)
“Fostering Learner Autonomy and Oral Proficiency Development in CFL Classrooms: Using Guided Self-Assessment and Skits Practice on VoiceThread”

Second prize: Nini Li (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa)
“Input Processing and the Design of Consciousness Raising Tasks: Structured Input Versus Consciousness Raising Input”


1st Prize: Yingling Bao, Indiana University & Yufen Chang, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

2nd Prize: Wenjing Huang, George School

3rd Prize: Yongfang Zhang, Wofford College