Entries by CLTA

2014 Jiede Award Application Deadline

Applications for the Jiede Grant are due March 31. For detailed application information, please visit the CLTA website: https://www.clta-us.org/awards/jiede-empirical-research-grant/

CLTA-ISCLTL Call for Proposal

The Chinese Language Teachers Association (U.S.A.) is pleased to announce its First International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning to be held October 25–26, 2014, at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. SYMPOSIUM THEME: Chinese L2 Instruction in a Global Context CONFERENCE WEBSITE:  https://www.clta-us.org/clta-iscltl CALL FOR PROPOSALS CLTA-ISCLTL 2014 invites proposals for panels, individual […]

2014 CLTA Professional Development Grants

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the CLTA Regional Associations Committee, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and inform you that the CLTA Headquarters will start accepting applications for the 2014 CLTA Professional Development Grants. You may find the announcement of the Grants at the end of this message and a […]

CLTAC 2014 Spring Conference

The CLTAC 2014 Spring Conference Organizing Committee invites submission of proposals for 20-minute presentations. As in previous years, abstract proposals in all areas of Chinese teaching and learning are welcome, such as theories, methodologies and strategies, curricula, teaching materials, technology, acquisition, Chinese linguistics, culture factors, AP Chinese, and teaching credentials. IMPORTANT DATES Proposal submission deadline: […]

2014 Annual Conference Call for Proposals

Dear CLTA members, Attached, please find three documents concerning the CLTA-ACTFL 2014 proposal submissions. As this year’s new program chair, I just realized the need to send the attachments to you all. Forgive me for sending you multiple messages to clog your inbox. I want to thank Professors Tao Hongyin, Chu Chengzhi, and Cecilia Chang […]

JTCLT, December 2013 Issue

Dear CLTA colleagues, We are happy to announce the publication of the December 2013 issue of the Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (ISSN: 1949-260X), which can be accessed freely at http://www.tclt.us/journal/. Its table of contents and the editorial board of JTCLT are included below for your reference. Please feel free to contact the Journal at editor@tclt.us if you’d like to make […]

January Newsletter

Dear CLTA Members, Happy New Year!   The first issue of the CLTA Newsletter in 2014 (click this link) is now ready for you to view. I hope that in this issue you will be able to find the conference that suits your need, the employment opportunity that may help to start or further your teaching career, the […]

2014 Annual Meetings!

Two important announcements from incoming CLTA President Prof. Hongyin Tao and the Board of Directors concerning the CLTA Annual Meeting for 2014:              1) We will continue to host the official CLTA annual conference with ACTFL. In 2014, it will be in San Antonio, Texas, on Nov. 21-23, 2014. For this, I ask […]

Newsletter Submissions

Dear CLTA members, I am writing to you as the new editor of the CLTA Newsletter. First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Tianwei Xie, my predecessor, for his dedicated and hard work in the past 10 years. Based on the excellent work he has done in all these years and […]

2013 Annual Meeting Program Updated

The CLTA Annual Meeting Program has received an update with corrections and revisions. Download the 11/10 revision from the Meeting page.

Newsletter September 2013

The September issue of the CLTA Newsletter is online now. This issue contains 2013 CLTA Annual Conference Program. Please use http://www.flipdocs.com/showbook.aspx?ID=10009068_631796 to view, download or print the issue. You can also use  CLTA Newsletter website https://www.clta-us.org/newsletter/ to find all back issues.

2013 Meeting Program Updated

The CLTA Annual Meeting Program has received an update with corrections and revisions. Download the 8/31 revision from the Meeting page.