SIG – Chinese as a Second Language Research 二语习得
This SIG aims to improve conversations and communications among Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) researchers working on different topics and stands, to disseminate CSL research results and support on-going CSL research projects, and to engage more Chinese language teachers and graduate students in conducting CSL research and research based classroom projects. This SIG organizes discussions, initiate projects, and disseminates resources that directly benefit Chinese L2 research and instruction.
- meet regularly at the CLTA conferences
- maintain an active web space on the CLTA website for CSL research related projects, resources, and updates
- organize SIG panels on interested topics at the CLTA/ACTFL annual and the CLTA biennial conferences. Such topics may include communications between different theories in conducting CSL research, how to publish high-quality research on prestigious venues, how to apply general second language acquisition theories into CSL research, and so forth. This will be discussed among the SIG members.
- create a Wechat SIG for members to share information and resources
Group Leader: Zhiying Qian 钱之莹, Florida State University, Email: