CLTA-SIG: Program Articulation 项目衔接


The Program Articulation SIG aims to promote better articulation across Chinese K-16 programs. We believe good articulation comes from collaboration, which in turn comes from understanding. Therefore, this SIG strives to first bring teachers together so that teachers from different levels and school types can connect and exchange experiences and ideas. The SIG will then help teachers to collaborate on various projects on learning standards, assessment benchmarks, and teaching practices, etc. Such collaborative efforts will lead to the mindset that sees beyond one’s own program and keeps articulation in mind while carrying out various program and curriculum development activities.


  • Maintain active WeChat group for discussing related topics and sharing relevant information and resources.
  • Organize regular webinars on articulation-related topics.
  • Organize SIG panels on interested topics at the CLTA/ACTFL annual conferences.
  • Work with CLTA regional associations to help secondary and postsecondary teachers find professional partners/mentors through our K-16 Inter-program Partnership Program
  • Work with other CLTA SIGs on projects that promote program articulation.
  • Meet up regularly at the CLTA conferences for in-person networking and community building.


Group Leaders:

Ran Zhao, Ph.D. 赵冉 (Chair), University of Virginia, Email:
Shin Chi Fame Kao 高实琪University of Utah
Luyi Lien, Ph.D. 連鷺役Yinghua Academy (Immersion Program)
Dali Tan谭大立 Northern Virginia Community College
Yuming Si, Ph.D. 姒玉明 (Textbook author and teacher at weekend Chinese schools)