Volume 49:1, February 2014


CLTA 2012 Survey of College-Level Chinese Language Programs in North America······························································· 1

Yu Li, Emory University

Xiaohong Wen, University of Houston

Tianwei Xie, California State University at Long Beach


An Exploratory Study of Why Language Learners Opt for Chinese and its Competitiveness as a World Language      51

Jeffrey Gil, Flinders University, Australia


The Effects of Pragmatics Instruction on L2 Learners’ Acquisition of Chinese Expressions of Gratitude: A Pilot Study ························· 95

Li Yang, Kansas State University


The Third Tone: Allophones, Sandhi Rules and Pedagogy··················· 117

Hang Zhang, George Washington University




A Chinese Grammar for English Speakers 《汉语语法指南》, by Chungeng Zhu and Yan Gao            147

      Hong Li, Emory University


An Anatomy of Chinese: Rhythm, Metaphor, Politics, by Perry Link······ 155

            Xiaoliang Li, Georgia Institute of Technology